Friday, February 18, 2011

profane patch

On tour with this band right now...
along with another badass band called Revenge of the Mules.
We started in New Orleans and are headed up the east coast.
Check them out online if you do the facespace thing.


Aaron said...

Nico! Hey Dude. It's been too long man. I didn't know you was touring. We gotta get together, drink some beers. Great drawings homie!

yums said...

Hey dude, I got your message. Hope you got my email!

Ryan said...

hey dude, I got your email...oh wait, you didn't send one. SICK SHIT BITCH. Send me some love, send the world some more doodles!

bmacneil said...

in Halifax? ... get in touch we'll have a warm meal and some beers waiting.. the beer will be cold